
Automate manual tasks, sell and fulfil products online, personalise customer touch points, increase productivity and allow customers to self-serve

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Over the last few years, we've continued to develop some extremely powerful features within our AI Marketing Automation solution. Far beyond MA though, these extensions allow parallel, automated execution of your content managed business process 'journeys'. Journeys can be triggered by any user's or staff's online behaviour, e.g. placing an order, requesting a return, offering a one-off discount, receiving a complaint, completing a manufacturing task, reviewing a product/service, etc

but it's that good!


Steps within these journeys can send emails/SMS, create and print personalised letters, update complex database objects and CRM records, wait for further user events or expired timed periods, execute daily tasks for CRM segmented groups (such as birthdays or renewal emails, etc). However, the most important step type can create and propagate Jobs (with all associated data) for staff or affiliates to undertake, moving your business processes forward

In detail

Let's say an order is placed online or a lead exceeds a score threshold then our MA system can turn the event (which can also derive from external JavaScript too) into a Job.

This is achieved via one or more multi-path, parallel Journeys that are triggered by any event on a per user basis. Journeys are easily content managed to mirror your own business workflows, with discrete steps that can create jobs for a specific roles, accompanied by all of the appropriate data required to execute that job.

Jobs are displayed and prioritised within dedicated dashboards for each role. Any correctly privileged logged-in person can access one or more dashboards (managers often have access to multiple dashboards).

According to the process data captured at each stage, jobs can be completed by staff allowing the process to automatically move from from one step in the Journey to the next, while communications to staff and/or customers can also be triggered until the Journey is completed. Since MA journeys are so flexible, the Journey could encompass an entire order/fulfilment process of many steps, creating many jobs (for specific roles), undertaking different branches and communications along the way. Moreover, every step of every journey for every user is tracked, giving you huge insights, transparency and measurability of your processes, allowing for optimisation.

Dashboards, Queues and Audit Logs

You define the roles in AI. Within the AI CRM, all subscribers/enquirers, customers, staff and other users have a CRM record and can be assigned a primary and optional secondary roles. A staff member or third-party may have access to one or more role-aligned job dashboards and the individual’s primary role dictates which dashboard is displayed upon their login. Using AI’s built-in account management functions, the setting up or alteration of any of these users and their privileges is a task that only a trained staff member with super-user privileges can undertake.

Unassigned jobs (and jobs assigned to the actual person logged-in) appear in a specific role-based dashboard (which also contains advanced filtering between dates, by job type, by keyword, by assignee, etc) when a job is created. Jobs can therefore be triggered by the status change of any workflow, e.g. new order/subscription or status change, enquiry, complaint, etc. Jobs can have an estimated completion time, a priority and a link to key job-related data, including the related customer CRM record, an order object, a returns object, a support ticket, etc.

Each dashboard is very similar in its layout and function, being focussed on delivering clear Job Queue details with supplementary information. In the gallery below, you'll see an example dashboard:

The solution can provide dashboards for any privileged roles when an authenticated user signs-in, including:

Marketing staff

Building journeys and promotions for loyalty, referrals, upsells, personalised pages, automating renewal reminders, welcome campaigns, re-marketing, lead-scoring, delivering qualified leads to sales

Sales staff

Picking up new leads as they drop into their dashboard - routed to the right salesperson based on any criteria, reassigned if necessary, measured, optimised and converted more effectively

Customer support and success staff

Customers able to self serve online avoids your staff undertaking many formerly intensive manual tasks. Now, they, like the rest of your business can focus on improved customer service and growth

Financial staff

Financial staff have real-time information relating to orders, cancellations, returns and customer data. Logged-in customers also have transparency and can review past orders, update their data, etc

Production and fulfilment staff

Jobs appear in the production queue when orders are processed - staff take ownership and products are manufactured/despatched and customers can track this progress at any stage...

Clients and affiliates

Clients and affiliates can log into the site too, to review their data (GDPR ready), actions, orders, referral, leads, etc

Supervisors and managers

You are now able to see what staff are doing (even if they work remotely). Focussed on monitoring overrunning jobs, managing exceptions and optimising your workflows


Administrators have access to tools to lookup client records, product info', promotions, documents, enquiries, complaints... It's all in one place and streamlined for your business (and your clients)

The dashboard

As mentioned, role-based queues contain one or more ‘jobs’ encapsulating attributes that provide job type and context-specific information to one or more members of staff occupying the role associated with the queue. New jobs appear to all users with access to the queue until they are accepted by a staff member, so staff see jobs assigned to them and unassigned jobs.

When a staff member clicks on a job from their queue, they are taken to the Job Information Form, which contains all of the information needed to execute the job, whether it be an administrator reviewing a product return or a dispatcher reviewing their route. The form also contains quick links to review the customer’s registration and order details, etc.

Management reports (using built-in Audit Logs) can be created for every Job Status change, allowing analysis of how long average customer journeys (business processes) are taking, reviewing exceptions, etc. This will prove useful to maintain SLAs and assess business and individual staff member's performance too. Not least this is also invaluable for optimising these processes and following up complaints, etc.

Job details

A Job contains the following fields (not all fields will be used for all tasks of course):

  • Job Type (e.g. order placed, returns process initiated, new customer registered, user subscribed, complaint received, chase payment, etc)
  • Job guidance information (guidance text for the staff member receiving the job in their queue - provides support for new staff members and consistency of approach)
  • Queue that the Job is assigned to
  • Job Status (New, In-Progress, Completed)
  • Created Date/Timestamp (automated)
  • Assigned-to field (automated when staff member picks up a job) - staff may re-assign a job to someone else
  • Related CRM ID
  • Related Order ID, Related Enquiry ID, Related Return ID, etc
  • Supplementary Data (Staff Notes)
  • Supplementary Assets (Uploaded Files)

Execute job

The job may provide links to the ‘process object’ itself, e.g. an Order placed on the web site, as shown. In this example,  the administrator is required to confirm and update order details, make contact with the customer if needed and apply a discount, or just confirm and process it to the next stage, etc. In many contexts staff intervention isn't required until despatch but the system lets you decide and content manage all of the workflows.

Once the Job is executed by the person dealing with it, they will add any notes or supplementary information needed and this will change the status of the Job to complete. Changing the status of the job creates a new MA event and automated execution of the appropriate MA journey(s) related to the process, effectively this allows the Automated Workflow managing the specific process(es) to pass to the next stage(s) or to complete execution.

The next stage of the journey might create a job in a different queue (i.e. assigned to a different role), e.g. ‘Customer Support Job’ validates a product and the system then creates a new Job to ‘Warehouse’ to deliver a replacement. Potentially complex workflows, customer notifications, wait periods, branches based on order value, etc can all therefore be fully automated.

All aspects of this system are content managed inside AI, meaning that you can create whatever new jobs and workflows that are needed for launch and post release.


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