
Do you (or your team) spend time jumping from one task to another, hunting for that piece of information, name or document?

Well, you and your team are not alone:
In certain sectors up to  41%  of the workforce are tied up in workflow issues and therefore not operating productively...

(Source: E consultancy, Digital Trends 2021 Survey)

Several other studies have pointed to the amount of time that workers waste hunting down information, ranging from two hours a day to one day a week. 

Of course, we know that technology really helps but often these tools aren't well integrated, such that sequential workflows and disconnected systems create bottlenecks. Automated workflow processes can deliver the right information to hand at the right time; they can also simplify and smooth out (or replace) the execution of repetitive tasks.

Maybe your business and its associated processes have grown organically? Maybe departments and roles are not always neatly defined and systems have been added over time?

If so, it's likely that your processes have grown around technology incompatibilities and your staff have probably created ingenious workarounds to overcome them, storing and sharing data that really isn't efficient, safe or secure perhaps They may have to deal with multiple information silos too, making tasks more dificult and time-consuming to complete? That's before we start considering other factors like compliance with the GDPR or the potential prevalence of manual errors...

If any of the above seems familiar to you then please Contact Us

We can help you understand, modernise and enhance your processes while automating them. The cost savings will generate a rapid ROI, the results will generate improved customer touch points. Finally, the undertaking will enable you to measure the time between workflow stages and individuals' times to complete, allowing you to further optimise your organisation's productivity over time.

If you'd like to see a real-world example, please see our Australian MedicAlert Foundation Case Study

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