
Email marketing is still the digital marketer's best source of generating inbound traffic and qualified leads

In a recent survey of 2,000 consumers across the UK and US:

  • 68% were motivated to subscribe to receive promotions
  • Email is still the top preferred channel, although social media is also significant
  • 47% of subscribers would choose to unsubscribe due to receiving too many irrelevant emails

Long long gone are the days of non-targeted campaigns, now you must employ an integrated approach alongside creative, personalised and carefully timed touch points. This requires sophisticated profiling and an understanding of each individual user's preferences - this is just what our AI platform and our solution design creates for you...

AI Email Marketing is linked to a capable built-in CRM (that can be synchronised with external CRMs, such as Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, VTiger, etc) and can be integrated with the rest of our AI suite to share user/company data, assets, business process automation tasks and drive leads to the right people at the right time

Advanced targeting

Target users based on their demographic data held in the integrated CRM solution. When used in conjunction with our MA platform, you can also target them based on their past online behaviours

Easy to use

Despite its powerful capabilities such as automatically selecting your best subject lines and automating despatch, AI Email Marketing is intuitive to use and very flexible

Detailed reports

Providing all of the usual open, bounce and click-through reports but also able to deliver Post Click Tracking (PCT) when integrated with your website

Built-in automation

Even when operating standalone, without our integrated MA platform, you can use click throughs of any emailed link to amend the participating user's CRM record or send them a subsequent email campaign

Subscriptions made easy

Your web site forms can be integrated to add new users to your mailing list. AI Email Marketing automatically deals with users' subscriptions and unsubscribes alongside their email preferences

Other benefits

Including 'Test sends', multiple authors, draft content creation, review workflows, real-time reporting of campaign progress, summary PDF reports for circulation, automated and manual campaign sends

Cost effective

AI Email Marketing has a very low monthly licensing and usage fee. Unlike many other powerful platforms, we do not charge you extra for the size of your contacts database or how many staff have access

Beautifully designed email templates

We custom design your templates with huge amounts of flexibility in how they can be presented while delivering assurance that your campaign will look perfect regardless of the user's browser or device

Target and generate valuable inbound traffic

Absolutely Interactive Email Marketing provides the means to create and send as many different email campaigns as you need for all of the different personas who interact across your digital presence - driving traffic to your site and landing pages

Example newsletter

Customised and flexible newsletter content and layouts

Here's a simple newsletter example and some facts about email content layout and content control:

  • Some email marketing newsletter CMS' allow you to drag and drop content but they generate responsive HTML that just doesn't work across the enormous variety of your recipient's' email clients, browsers and devices...
  • AI Email Marketing uses a smarter and more flexible approach that enables you to turn sections of your newsletter on and off for layout control and then offer you many options to control your content's presentation. This approach allows us to test every combination of layouts across all major clients, browsers and devices for your peace of mind when you press that Send button...

See the example Edit page here...

Easy to use despite its power

This is a typical newsletter CMS edit screen in AI. This is only showing a small part of the edit screen for the example shown above but notice:

  • All of the grey fields are optional to complete, the bold blue field headings are mandatory. This means you can just leave areas of your newsletter blank if you want and AI is smart enough to leave that section out of the resulting newsletter
  • How easy it is to include any field from your user's CRM database records using [[fieldname]] to personalise content
  • All of your imagery and other assets are shared with your AI website/intranet etc, and you can create any number of virtual folders to keep them organised

Example newsletter editing screen

Email Marketing Screenshot

Futureproof solution

Fully featured solution with huge amounts of room to upgrade to even more advanced features in time:

  • Automatically trigger personalised emails to individual users based on their behaviours, e.g. purchasing, abandoning a basket, not visited your site for N days, new welcome campaigns, remarketing campaigns, etc
  • Automate responses for any system/user 'events' such as individual email deliveries, soft and hard bounces, opens, click throughs, etc
  • Generate leads scores for any user 'events'
  • Calculate real ROIs for any campaign (using purchases made or leads generated)
  • Compare any campaigns to determine best performance
  • Automate the best open rates based on multiple subject lines
  • Review the entire recipient list based on dynamic segementation/selection and review the exact email any recipient will receive, including their specific personalisation

AI Email Marketing administration pages


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