
Case study

Your Sodexo

Sodexo is the 15th largest employer in the world and because its 52,000+ UK frontline employees don't work in an office, they can't access Sodexo's intranet.


It's therefore hard for them to seek their employer's advice and guidance, share stories and social connections with other staff, keep up to date with Sodexo news and, of course, enjoy all of the benefits that working for Sodexo offer... So what's the solution?

An Extranet Tour de Force

How do you cater for 52,000+ users all operating in different parts of the business such as Catering, Security, Hospitality, Prison Administration, Cleaning, Healthcare, Education, etc and make all of the great content being produced by the Sodexo Comms team relevant for them?

Well, we deployed our world-class Absolutelyinteractive CMS and made it easy for content authors to tag and categorise their content in a number of meaningful ways - so that not only do employees see the right content but employees can also prioritise and express their preferences, thus each logged-in employee sees exactly what they want to see - alongisde the corporate messaging that crosses all department boundaries.

It's also all been done in such a fun way - full metro and responsive styling ensures that the employee experience is just as good on a mobile phone as it is on their PC at home.

Ensuring Success and Clarity of Purpose

How do you successfully manage and specify such a large and complex project? Well, it's down to experience, project management know how, staff expertise and excellent relations with multiple client staff members from marketing to comms to IT.

Our specifications process lasted for four months and culminated in a 45 page detailed specification covering all elements of the site's visual design, information architecture, CMS requirements, personalisation capabilities, security, hosting infrastructure, integration needs and support/service levels. It became a clear Statement of Work that everyone could sign-up to.

Problems solved along the way:

Q. How do you manage access permissions with tens of thousand of staff on short contracts and natural churn?

A. Full SAP integration and customised and secure employee data feeds update the Your Sodexo user database several times per day

Q. What other integrations were involved:

A. Tribe job portal integration delivered new, searchable Sodexo job posts to staff to review and apply

A. Secure FTP flat and CSV file transfers from Sodexo Ireland with additional employee data

A. IP.Board User Form - full and seamless integration, including avatar control and single sign-on

A. Social integration - Facebook wall feed, picture albums, twitter feeds

A. Sodexo Benefits (3rd party benefits site) integration and single sign-on


We’ve sent the link out and we’re live to all Sodexo employees now. Just wanted to say a massive thank you for the brilliant job done by all the guys at S-Digital for coming out with some great new whizzy features and solutions! ----------- I agree, Great job by everyone! The site looks and works great, our whole office were on it immediately, we should all be very proud!


Stephen Marshall E-Communications Manager, Corporate Communications and John McCarthy Project Manager – Global IS&T


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