
With very clear messages predicting another year of considerable change for the third sector, we would like to help.

We've been reading NCVO's Road Ahead Report that highlights a great many of these challenges but also alludes to the resilience and innovation of many non-profit organisations.

It's the innovation part that chimes with us especially. How can technology and AI really assist charities?

How about the following - things we've done:

  • Improve donation interfaces, make it easier for people to subscribe to or deliver one-off donations
  • Deliver sponsored (charged) advertorials in your campaigns and on your site to raise funds
  • Let the technology do the heavy lifting, i.e. the automation and the outbound campaigns to raise awareness, recruit volunteers and engage with donators and your entire audience
  • Invest in technology and AI to deliver more with less
  • Consult with you to plan for the future now
  • Ensure the security and performance of your digital infrastructure
  • Remove isolated silos of data and integrate back-office systems

These are just a few suggestions of course.


Please read more about our work with Charities

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